Traceability meets circularity. Digital product passport tools and platform that connects products to a collaborative circular economy

The Global Circular Network is more than just a smart QR code, it's a full-suite interconnected circularity platform

Transition your business from linear to an interconnected, holistic Global Circular Network

Introducing the Global Circular Network, a revolutionary solution for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in textile products. Our innovative “two-for-one” Digital Product Passport platform, powered by RFiD THREADS® technology and QR Code smart tech, seamlessly connects products to cloud-based App software for both B2B and B2C communication.

The Global Circular Network facilitates a circular economy by leveraging smart technology to support collaborative human-centered design circular systems. Brands can efficiently engage with various industries to transition to circularity, collect the products full Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) data, and enhance ROI. 

Additionally, our platform enables effective communication with customers, reinforcing brand loyalty and sustainability. The RFiD stays with the product for life to go beyond just traceability and customer engagement to activate a circular economy and put the "economy" into circularity.

Our "double DPPs" help retain the products value and keep data both open-source and separate to customer data. It empowers brands to transition towards a sustainable circular economy and pivot to a successful circular business model. 

OUR MISSION is to effectively reduce landfill, emissions, and pollution. Discover the IMPACT we can achieve together through a collaborative network.

B2B technology; RFiD THREADS® is a 15-centimetre long, thin malleable single-encased metal radio frequency identification (RFID) thread that can be bulk scanned by a RFID reader to connect to the GCN App. It only collects product information and can be both open and closed source to protect IP and connect with R-Cyclers, sorters and recyclers.

The RFiD THREADS® is the world's first bulk scanning RFID tool integrated into a single washable thread. 

Unlike a QR Code, the RFiD THREADS® is a Digital Product Passport (DPP) tool that acts as an actual passport. It provides full ESPR compliance reporting and along with a matching QR Code, it creates opportunities for communication, compliance, and collaboration.

Brands receive an Impact Rating Certification plus can connect to LCA software platforms for advanced metrics and accurate data collection for each product.

B2B app software; capture continuous data on our cloud App through UHF RFID hand held and fixed readers

GCN creates unprecedented connectivity between multiple stakeholders, industries, government, and research sectors. Connects to additional tech including AI, blockchain, IoT and robotics.

B2C tools; we see customers as "custodians" and products as a service. Brands can continue to earn revenue from products designed for longevity. Save money on labels using the "smart swing-tag" QR code and/or NFC ring to communicate with custodians, enhance brand loyalty, transparency, and educate. 

Customers trust brands by learning more about their supply chains plus learn 'what to do when the relationship is over' and feel confident that it won't end up in landfill through the Impact Rating Certification.As QR Codes are only single scanning and unreliable, we use them to educate and divert products to circular economy resource recovery providers

Our RFiD THREADS® are the actual product passport used for B2B connectivity and to efficiently communicate and capture a products circular journey. 

Unlike QR Codes, RFiD THREADS® and the App capture continuous verifiable product data in real-time plus are bulk scanning which is essential for at-scale, efficient circularity. 


The Global Circular Network connects products and supply chains to an open-source circular economy through an innovative platform that connects customers to reverse logistics value chain connectivity. This allows us to emulate the functionality of a physical passport, gathering data as it circulates. The platform goes beyond simple traceability to retain and add new data, reporting on the fibers through to the product's end-of-loop recyclers. The data is collected as the product travels from brand; to custodian to R-Cyclers; to recycling - creating a circular economy.

We support brands to increase their ROI and connect their products to R-Cycle providers; charities, communities, councils, companies and countries and collect the data to show its journey; like a boomerang that collects data as it closes the loop.

BRANDS AND BUSINESSES can educate and connect customers to local R-Cyclers first to increase ROI and support local jobs and economies. By combining customer communication with efficient bulk capture DPP tools we connect human-centered design services plus gather comprehensive circularity LCA data. 

Brands can increase their income through collaboration and be rewarded for using "circular design strategies", potentially paying a reduced tax/levy, meeting SDGs and increased customer attention and loyalty.

See how RFiD THREADS® are sewn or slipped into new and recovered products to instantly add them to a circular economy and divert from landfill, incineration and unchecked offshoring - see the IMPACT.

l love the work you're doing... I don't see any better way to help digitally power the circular economy for textiles.”  Peter Majeranowski, Circ 

We are listed on the European Union Cirpass DPP list supporting the Commission's legislation of mandatory digital passports to enforce the EcoDesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) set to activate a circular economy for textile products. CEO Alison Jose is a CIRPASS-2 Expert Working Group Partner. 

Textile products are one of 12 end-use products the EU will require DPPs for, and all clothing, homeware and footwear products comprising majority textile materials will be ‘in scope’. 

Connect a wide variety of products plus foster collaborative opportunities for inter-industry partnerships.  

The GCN is creating a global network of local R-Cycle providers who are the integral "middle of circularity". 

We invite them to connect for free to increase circular businesses who recover, resell, rent, repair, redesign, remake and repurpose all before a product heads for sorting and recycling thus extending its life to mitigate emissions and pollution.

We help brands to connect with R-Cyclers to increase efficiency and access product details such as brand name, certification, origin of textiles, fibre and chemical composition, size, measurement, photos etc.

OPEN SOURCE NETWORK connects products from fibre to feedstock
Peter Hogan, Veritas Tech. “The RFID Thread product … is simply the most exciting RFID tag that I have seen after selling EAS electronic security and RFID tracking technologies to fashion retailers for over 30 years.” 

Brands can connect to our app via a "digital bridge". Brands can connect to their own supply chain and Life-cycle Assessment software platforms to collect automated, accurate data. Alternatively simply use the spreadsheet feature to create unprecedented metrics for product analysis and efficient reporting. Unlimited cloud-based connectivity via the GCN app. Connect with any UHF handheld readers and commercial fixed systems.

The platform captures data on repairability, usability, durability, longevity, recyclability and circularity. It captures the 'holy grail' of data; the product's longevity. Includes unique metrics on mitigation of landfill, emissions and pollution. 

The software is interoperable through all 5 stages. Brands can request additional metrics including sequestration to 'up the anti on Impact' and connect to software platforms by request.


RFiD THREADS® can be sewn or slipped into new and recovered products including, but not limited to:


Through Global Consortium Partnerships, the Global Circular Network offers the fastest route to developing specialized bulk machinery and accelerating the delivery of affordable, collaborative DPPs. Our equitable pricing model ensures that brands and businesses of any size can access an efficient, interconnected circular economy platform. This platform promotes open-source collaboration and fosters connections within local and global circular economy networks.

The GCN Impact Rating Certification supports brands to provide efficient compliance reporting data including use of circular design strategies including use of recycled materials, repurposing products at their highest value, support regenerate solutions and promote biodiversity, mitigate landfill, emissions and pollution to support people and planet. Separate to circularity the Certification will show a brands status regarding Modern Slavery Act and Wages.

Connect to LCA software platforms or request advanced metrics to map out best-case circular solutions. Brands no longer need to wait for 2030 or use hypothetical data. 


With so many DPPs coming onto the market learn more about the key differences that set the Global Circular Network platform apart from other solutions.

Connect your products now; order 100+ threads, join a bulk order or join a Global Consortium partnership.